FSA/FTC (My humble opinion & sarcasm from analysis of the final rule)

I had a chance to dissect the Rule released yesterday and a have a few comments about what caught my eye from a BOP correctional treatment perspective. While the final rule is a lot broader in application and liberal as far as the actual awards of FTC, let us not be dancing on the tables [...]

By |2022-02-01T09:50:01-04:00January 14th, 2022|Criminal Justice and Prison Reform|Comments Off on FSA/FTC (My humble opinion & sarcasm from analysis of the final rule)

Federal Good Time Credits ( SH#@s Getting Real)

Federal Time Credits (FTC) Questions I have for the DOJ/BOP: Are people only being awarded for completing an evidenced based recidivism reduction program (EBRRP) IF a “need” was identified and keyed into that area on the computerized assessment? Are people awarded the FTC if their crime of conviction is NOT on the list of the [...]

By |2022-01-27T23:57:55-04:00January 13th, 2022|Criminal Justice and Prison Reform|Comments Off on Federal Good Time Credits ( SH#@s Getting Real)


I wanted to get this out in the metaverse because it is either profound or a profound snafu by the BOP. As everyone waited for the Federal Time Credits (FTC) Rules (see attached) to be published in less than two weeks, BOP facilities began putting talking points on the unit bulletin boards which is a [...]

By |2022-01-24T14:25:48-04:00January 5th, 2022|Criminal Justice and Prison Reform|Comments Off on THE FTC/FSA SAGA IS COMING TO A HEAD

It’s only the low hanging fruit!

This is going to be a short, spontaneous rant with the catalyst being the newly announced DOJ- AG interpretation regarding the CARES ACT! Surprise, surprise; PEOPLE are not coming back to prison. For the few of you who follow my rants, I am on record in the early part of Covid clearly indicating the CARES [...]

By |2021-12-22T11:59:39-04:00December 22nd, 2021|Criminal Justice and Prison Reform|Comments Off on It’s only the low hanging fruit!

Go Figure! (It’s about time BOP corruption and incompetence is addressed externally)

My rants are usually triggered from media stories written as if the subject matter is some profound eureka moment  on an issue BOP insiders have lamented for decades. Enter the AP story from November 14, “ Workers at federal prisons are committing some of the crimes”. Workers at federal prisons are committing some of the [...]

By |2021-11-16T18:28:17-04:00November 16th, 2021|Criminal Justice and Prison Reform|Comments Off on Go Figure! (It’s about time BOP corruption and incompetence is addressed externally)

Theatre & exploitation when it is all about the treatment

I started to write this rant in late May but never finished my thoughts as they became a bit too judgmental as well as complicated encompassing two different reform themes. I set it aside until another trigger (i.e.: idiocy) would force it to the surface. Yesterday I was reading an article about the Biden administration’s [...]

By |2021-07-22T08:05:18-04:00July 22nd, 2021|Criminal Justice and Prison Reform|Comments Off on Theatre & exploitation when it is all about the treatment

An old idea with a short, subdued rant at the end…….

An Urban Pilot Comprehensive Training  & Treatment Center (CTTC)   The Comprehensive Sanction Center is a concept developed in the 1990’s. It is a correctional treatment center which broadens the traditional “Residential Re-entry Center” (Halfway House) model.  As the word comprehensive suggests; it is multifaceted and includes both residential and non-residential participants addressing the individual’s [...]

By |2021-02-26T14:52:48-04:00February 26th, 2021|Criminal Justice and Prison Reform|Comments Off on An old idea with a short, subdued rant at the end…….

The Never Ending Saga of Prison Reform rants……

I thought my recent "tongue in cheek" comments submitted to the Federal Register on the First Step Act pre-release time credits would suffice for a new prison reform rant! I could write a book on the flaws of the back end provisons of the First Step Act but this sums up a few main points. [...]

By |2020-12-26T15:30:57-04:00December 26th, 2020|Criminal Justice and Prison Reform|Comments Off on The Never Ending Saga of Prison Reform rants……

PATTERN- The First Step backwards!

I only blog when something inspires me to go on a rant for a Federal justice related issue. I have a pulse on the Federal prison system and like to document my thoughts for an  “I told you so moment” when these inspirations occur. So here we go….. Several of my previous rants were focused [...]

By |2020-10-28T23:00:06-04:00October 28th, 2020|Criminal Justice and Prison Reform|Comments Off on PATTERN- The First Step backwards!

Violence, Politics & The NGO Mafia

As I launched my new website last week, I wanted to write a new blog which is a bit controversial but fashionable none the less. This month marks nine years that I’ve been retired from the Federal Bureau of Prisons and thirty three years working with incarcerated people. Yes people! I’ve written about the topic [...]

By |2020-07-21T19:09:28-04:00July 21st, 2020|Criminal Justice and Prison Reform, Governments|Comments Off on Violence, Politics & The NGO Mafia
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